Resources in Montana
There is two resources in Montana to provide your needs for Emergency; the 911 and #211.

Montana Text to 9-1-1 Accessiblility
How to text 911 when you’re having an emergency:
To text 911, create a new text message.
Enter “911” into the “To” field. No dashes are necessary.
In this text message, include the following, with No. 1 being the highest importance: 1. Location of the emergency (including city/name of business/park/fishing access/trailhead/interstates/highways/mile marker, etc.) 2. The nature of the emergency 3. Your name
Keep text messages short, simple and with no abbreviations
Remain in close contact with your phone and be prepared to answer questions and follow instructions from the 911 operator.
If safe to do so, remain on scene until help arrives.
Important tips:
Some degree of cellular reception is required to send texts to 911.
If any other recipients are included in the 911 text, the text message may not be received. ï‚· If you do not receive an initial response from the 911 dispatcher, then contact 911 another way.
Do NOT text while driving.
Do NOT text 911 if you are NOT having an emergency. This service is for emergencies only.

Help Center, Inc. - Montana 211 Information
​Montana 2-1-1 helps connect Montanans with resources and assistance from state and local health and human service programs. Access the list of resources on their website––or call 2-1-1 if you are away from a computer or don’t have access to the Internet.
This is a free, anonymous service available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No matter where you live in Montana, you can find information about resources in your local community. Whether you need help finding food or housing, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment, 2-1-1 is all you need to know.
Please view the map of Montana 211 Call Centers to find the one in your area or simply dial 2-1-1.
Facts About 2-1-1;
Montana 211 is part of a national network.
36 out of 56 counties in Montana have 211 call service available.
211 Centers undergo rigorous accreditation by the Alliance for Information and Referral Systems (AIRS).
Montana 211 was established in 2005 to provide easy, single point access to health and human service resources for Montana citizens, and to provide coordination and information in times of disaster.
211 is operated in Montana by four nonprofits, each covering a region. See Contact Us Page